Inland Revenue (IRD) is a department of the New Zealand Government that collects most of the Crown's revenue in New Zealand.

Inland Revenue was previously referred to as Inland Revenue Department, and is known as Te Tari Taake (The Department of Tax) in Maori.

Inland Revenue - Contact Details

Phone - General Enquiries

New Zealand Freephone0800 227 774
Calling from overseas0064 4 978 0779
Calling from NZ mobile04 978 0738

Phone - Self-service

New Zealand Freephone0800 257 773
Calling from overseas0064 4 978 0767
Calling from NZ mobile04 978 0767

Physical Address

Varies, depending on the nature of your enquiry.

IRD Website

IRD Articles

Tax changes set to hit KiwiSaver on 1 April 2012

Removal of the employer superannuation contribution tax (ESCT) exemption on 1 April 2012 will mean less cash in your KiwiSaver account.