ACC levies to increase in April 2010

Posted on 12 December 2009

The Government has announced that ACC levies will increase next year in order to compensate for a 57% increase in ACC claims over the last four years.

ACC levies are set to increase for workers and employers from 1 April 2010, and for drivers from 1 July 2010.

The Earners' Levy will increase from 1.7% to 2.0% of liable income, probably capped at around $2000 per year (the current cap is $1810.04/year).

These increases to the Earners' Levy mean that someone on an annual salary of $50,000 can expect to pay an additional $150/year ($12.50/month) from 1 April 2010, while someone on a salary of $100,000 will face ACC levey increases of $300/year.

Although substantial, the ACC levy increases are less than those proposed by the Accident Compensation Corporation.


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